Coco and Bongo are two Cotton-Headed Marmosets of approximately 10 years. They belong to an endemic species from Colombia, in South America.

In 2015 they arrived at Primate Pets through the support of PROFEPA (Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection) before the Sanctuary opened its doors to the public.

Coco and Bongo were part of the attractions in a circus for several years. In 2015, there was a change in the law in Mexico that prohibited the use of animals in circuses, looking to reduce the cases of animal abuse. Unfortunately, many of the wild animals were left to fend for themselves, as there were no institutions that could take care of them. When they arrived at the Akumal Monkey Sanctuary, a part of Coco’s tail had been cut, and we were not able to determine what happened to it. Fortunately, Bongo arrived in good health.

To support Coco and Bogo in their adaptation process, the Animal Welfare Team have worked with several enrichment and nutrition programs. Although they were victims of the entertainment world, they currently receive all the necessary care and live happily at Primate Pets.

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