Geoffrey Marmoset monkeys For Sale

Callithrix geoffroyi, often referred to as the tufted-ear marmoset, Geoffroy’s marmoset, or Geoffrey’s marmoset, is a species of marmoset that is unique to Brazil. In Brazil, it is referred to as the sagüi or sauim.

The marmosets of Geoffroy eat both plants and animals, making them omnivores. Mostly fruit, insects, and plant gums make up their food in the wild.

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Geoffrey Marmoset monkeys For Sale

Callithrix geoffroyi, often referred to as the tufted-ear marmoset, Geoffroy’s marmoset, or Geoffrey’s marmoset, is a species of marmoset that is unique to Brazil. In Brazil, it is referred to as the sagüi or sauim.

The marmosets of Geoffroy eat both plants and animals, making them omnivores. Mostly fruit, insects, and plant gums make up their food in the wild.

Trees produce plant gums, a sap-like fluid that protects the bark from harm. These monkeys are the only primates that frequently use their chisel-like teeth to tap their gums in trees. They return a day or so after making the holes to eat the gum that has leaked out.

Safer in Groups

Securing their protection is paramount for marmosets! They must keep an eye out for predators because they are among the smallest primates on the planet.

Marmosets take turns keeping an eye out for the group, and if they notice or hear something that might be a threat, everyone will halt what they are doing.

Additionally, they might utilize strategies including mobbing, alarm calling, freezing in place, or eluding prospective predators. In the wild, family groups of Geoffroy’s marmosets typically consist of eight to ten individuals.

Twins are a Family Thing

Fraternal twins are usually always born to females, and for the first week following birth, only the father is responsible for carrying the children. After that, everyone pitches in to help with the babies’ care, though dad remains the primary carrier. This is how older siblings are taught how to care for their future offspring.

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